I don't know where the Largest Ball of Yarn is. The internet has failed me for the first time.
Anyway, here are some of the thumbnails. For each project I come up with anywhere from 12 to 20 2" x 3" thumbnails. Here are a couple of them (click to zoom in):

The idea is to emphasize how very large the ball of yarn is. The ball of yarn in space and the circus-freak yarn-ball-head characters crack me up, but there was something about the expression of the girl drowning in scarf that I couldn't pass up.

Because I'm working digitally, I'm sort of skipping some steps. Normally I would do a larger black and white value sketch, followed by a color comp, but for this one I'm steam-rolling ahead and just blowing up the thumbnail in place of the b&w sketch.

THIS IS AWESOME!!!!! I am so sad I was away Spring Term and missed all this great work you made! You will have to five me a slideshow of your stuff when you get back to SAV!